After an earlier ensemble Xyra dubbed The LINE__ (inspired by a Nico song) had forked elsewhere. In 2002, Xyra conducted auditions to reinforce the path once forged. From this search emerged several inductees, who soon vanished, faltered, or fell from grace. One who stayed was bassist/programmer/guitarist, Jeff Spencer.
On the advice of others, the next phase of the project became known simply as The Xyra Band due to the changing backup musicians playing around Xyra's songwriting. The band consisted of core members: Xyra, Andrew Cann, and a variable team of familiar and previously unknown, talented musicians. Geared toward an uncertain future, they briefly called themselves The Banished, inspired by one of Xyra's then unreleased songs.
Xyra's subsequent 4th CD, Through the Dark Glass Shining, released in 2004, featured selected artists from all phases of the project...Verborgen to The LINE__. The album received rave reviews and features on both National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Radio International (PRI)
The remaining core members: Xyra, Andrew Cann hoped to bring to the control booth and stage, a wealth of previously unreleased material. Acoustic performance combined with electronics could provide the perfect backdrop for old and new material they thought would extend their fan base.
Photo, left to right: Jeff Spencer, Xyra, and Andrew Cann @ Black Cat, Washington, DC. A favorable review of the performance appeared in The Washington Post, written by Mark Jenkins.